The Abandoned Cart: The Invisible enemy of online commerce that breaks entrepreneurial hearts and dreams.

  • 2024-07-03 16:00:00
Turn abandoned carts into opportunities through SMS marketing

The Abandoned Cart: The Invisible enemy of online commerce that breaks entrepreneurial hearts and dreams.

Imagine this scenario: A customer is browsing your online store, adding products to their cart, but at the last moment, decides not to complete the purchase. You're left wondering, "Why did it end this way?"

At first glance, the abandoned cart issue seems like a problem, a sad story. Statistics show that there are many similar tales of this kind of business-customer relationship - the average global cart abandonment rate for 2023 is 70.19%.

But let's put the joke aside - there’s no need to panic! Abandoned carts can turn into an opportunity if we know how. If you don’t know yet, this article will introduce you to why and how to include SMS messages for abandoned carts in your marketing strategy. A well-structured text message, accompanied by the right incentive, can entice customers to return and complete their purchase.

Offer Added ValueA simple message like "You left this item in your cart" is often not enough to bring back a lost customer. After all, they decided not to complete their purchase for a reason - unless something interrupted them and they forgot to order.

Additional costs, such as shipping and fees, can quickly drive customers away. Therefore, an excellent tactic to encourage customers to complete their purchase is to offer free shipping or a discount. For example, a short SMS like "Get free shipping if you order within the next 24 hours" gives the recipient an incentive to return to their abandoned cart.Consider the Timing of Your MessageWhen you send an abandoned cart message can significantly impact conversions.

The SMS channel is more immediate than email, with 90% of recipients reading messages within 3 minutes of receiving them. Use this immediacy by sending a reminder while the product is still fresh in the customer's mind.

Create a Sense of UrgencyEvery text message should include a call to action (CTA) that prompts the recipient to make a purchase.A CTA is an opportunity to convey a sense of urgency with compelling verbs and phrases that encourage the reader to act.Words like "today," "now," and "soon" can help generate FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) while building a sense of urgency. If the text includes a discount code, let the recipient know when it expires. Or if the item in their cart is running low, use phrases like "Get it before it’s gone" or "Only 2 more left in your size."

Finally, Here Are Some Abandoned Cart Message Templates You Can Use:
  • Template 1:[Brand Name]: It looks like you forgot something in your cart. Use code [discount code] for [percentage] off to complete your order today! [URL]
  • Template 2:[Brand Name]: [Customer Name], this item is selling fast. Complete your order using code [discount code] before it’s too late! Offer expires tomorrow. [URL]
  • Template 3:[Brand Name]: [Customer Name], your discount code is about to expire! Complete your order today to get [percentage] off. [URL]

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