Benefits of Viber messages
97% of Viber’s business messages are opened within 3 minutes.
Viber allows you to send messages up to 1000 characters (Cyrillic, Latin), without restrictions on characters and encoding. Add a picture, personal page button, link, stickers, emoticons, video and voice to your text.
Viber Business messages cost about 30% less than SMS. Plus, you are charged for delivered messages only.
Status in real time for every message (Delivery reports) - sent, received, pending, delivered or not, as well as seen status.
SMS FALLBACK - Some of your customers may not use Viber or may not be connected to the internet to receive your Viber Business message. With our system you can set up automatic resending of undelivered Viber messages via the SMS.
Combine our Viber service with our other channels for business messages.

If your message does not reach the user within the selected period, we will deliver it via another platform or SMS.
Some of the customers who trusted us.